Saturday, April 19, 2008

birds of a feather mock together


Anonymous said...

Doesn't the "No Fowl" part mean that the nuggets aren't made from chickens? Well then, what are the made from?

annap said...

it's from a veggie restaurant, so either soy or wheat gluten. mmm wheat gluten.

Anonymous said...

Ah. Forgive me my ignorance of vegetarianism. I've never seen faux chicken nuggets before.

annap said...

i'm always happy to wax on the virtues of fake meat :)

the faux chicken is surprisingly meat-like..beef and pork however is questionable.

mattyu said...

maybe this is a regional thing, but I've never heard the term “chix” used for chicken. And do you know of a blog for misuse or lack of hyphens?

i had a good cluck about this nugget of a pun though. thanks!