This is from a posh juice bar in Wicker Park called "Star Fruit." A
Kefir, for those who don't know, is a fermented milk drink that originated in the Caucasus region, which makes this a double pun.
Here's my question to That's Punny readers: does describing why something is a pun diminish it's humor?
a. puns are never funny
b. not only is it hilarious, I also learned something!
c. is that how you spell Kefir Sullivan?
d. it's not that funny, but it is that punny.
b.) and the pun is a kepir. :)
I also vote for B!
b. but i also try to imagine the "wow, how clever am i?" pun conception moment on someone's face...
I agree, b. Sometimes I don't get the pun even with an explanation, but I appreciate the attempt.
but only if it's something you wouldn't get otherwise. if someone's trying to explain a bad pun...
then it's hilarious to see their efforts to try and pass it off!
Good one (and I don't even know what Keifer Sullivan is famous for...)
Kiefer? Sutherland loves you...?
I vote for d., BUT a correction to 'diminish it's humor' apostrophe here (otherwise it means 'it is humor')
Not necessarily, anonymous, the apostrophe 'S' is showing ownership of the humor (the pun's humor), so it is gramatically correct.
I would say puns are almost always met with one second of suprised expression or sincere laughter followed by a groan.
Its and it's are the only exceptions to the apostrophe rule. I T apostrophe S is ALWAYS contracted IT and IS, and I T S is ALWAYS possessive.
Anonymous the First was correct.
And I vote *B*
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